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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Justworks vs Gusto


Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) are crucial for companies aiming to streamline HR functions, manage employee data, and improve overall productivity. In this article, we'll compare two popular HRIS tools: Justworks and Gusto. 

Justworks is a robust multi-product solution offering global payroll, benefits, compliance support, time tracking, HR tools, and award-winning support from HR-certified experts. On the other hand, Gusto provides modern HR features like payroll, benefits, hiring, management resources, and more, all within one platform. 

Choosing the right HRIS tool is essential for maximizing operational efficiency and meeting company-specific HR needs. Let’s dive into a detailed comparison of Justworks and Gusto to help you make an informed decision.

Justworks Overview

Justworks is a comprehensive HRIS solution that integrates several HR functionalities into one platform. Below are its key features that set it apart.

Key Features

  • Global Payroll: Justworks supports payroll processing across multiple countries, making it ideal for multinational companies.
  • Benefits Management: Offers a variety of benefits, including health insurance, 401(k) plans, and commuter benefits.
  • Compliance Support: Helps companies adhere to employment laws and regulations, reducing the risk of non-compliance.
  • Time Tracking: Integrated time tracking tools to monitor employee hours and manage attendance efficiently.
  • HR Tools: Wide range of HR tools for managing employee data, performance reviews, and onboarding processes.
  • Award-Winning Support: Provides exceptional customer support from HR-certified experts to resolve queries and issues promptly.

Gusto Overview 

Gusto streamlines HR functions by offering essential tools all in one place, focusing on modern HR needs.

Key Features

  • Payroll Processing: Simplifies payroll management, including automatic tax filings and direct deposits.
  • Benefits Administration: Manages benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and a range of employee perks.
  • HR Management: Offers resources for hiring, employee onboarding, and performance management.
  • Time Tracking: Integrated time and attendance tracking to manage employee working hours effectively.
  • Compliance: Ensures compliance with federal, state, and local laws, reducing the risk of penalties.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with a modern, intuitive interface to make navigation and usage straightforward.


Both Justworks and Gusto are designed to simplify and enhance HR functions, making them valuable tools for businesses.

  • Payroll Management: Both offer comprehensive payroll solutions, including tax management and direct deposits.
  • Benefits Administration: Each tool provides robust benefits management, encompassing health insurance, retirement plans, and various employee perks.
  • Compliance Support: Justworks and Gusto ensure that businesses stay compliant with relevant laws and regulations, significantly reducing compliance risk.
  • Time Tracking: Both platforms include integrated time and attendance tracking functionalities.
  • HR Tools: Provide resources for employee onboarding, performance management, and other HR tasks, making day-to-day HR operations more manageable.


While Justworks and Gusto have several overlaps in functionality, they also have key differences.

  • Global Payroll: Justworks supports global payroll management, whereas Gusto primarily focuses on U.S.-based payroll.
  • Support: Justworks offers award-winning support from HR-certified experts, providing more specialized assistance compared to Gusto's general support.
  • User Interface: Gusto is known for its easy-to-use, modern interface, whereas Justworks offers a more traditional layout.
  • Compliance: Justworks provides more in-depth compliance support, including detailed regulatory guidance and risk management, while Gusto offers basic compliance features.
  • Customization: Gusto allows for greater customization in benefits administration compared to Justworks, which has a set range of offered benefits.

Pros and Cons


  • Pros:
  • Comprehensive global payroll support
  • Extensive benefits administration
  • Advanced compliance support
  • Integrated time tracking
  • Expert HR support

  • Cons:
  • More complex user interface
  • Higher cost for smaller businesses
  • Limited customization in benefits


  • Pros:
  • User-friendly, modern interface
  • Excellent payroll processing with automatic tax filings
  • Highly customizable benefits administration
  • Comprehensive HR management tools
  • Cost-effective for small to mid-sized businesses

  • Cons:
  • Primarily U.S.-based payroll support
  • Basic compliance features
  • Generalized support team

Use Cases

Justworks and Gusto cater to different business needs and scenarios.

  • Justworks is ideal for:
  • Businesses with international employees requiring global payroll capabilities.
  • Companies that need extensive compliance support to navigate complex employment laws.
  • Organizations looking for dedicated HR support from certified experts.
  • Firms that want a comprehensive benefits package for their employees.

  • Gusto is ideal for:
  • Small to mid-sized U.S.-based businesses looking for cost-effective HR solutions.
  • Companies that prioritize ease of use and a modern interface.
  • Organizations needing flexibility in customizing employee benefits.
  • Businesses looking for a straightforward, all-in-one HR management tool.


Comparing Justworks and Gusto reveals that both are excellent HRIS solutions but cater to different business needs. Justworks excels in global payroll, compliance, and specialized HR support, making it ideal for larger companies and those with international requirements. In contrast, Gusto stands out with its user-friendly interface, customizable benefits, and affordability, making it perfect for small to mid-sized U.S. businesses.

When choosing between Justworks and Gusto, consider your company’s specific needs, such as the scale of your operations, the complexity of your compliance requirements, and your budget. This will help ensure you select the best HRIS tool for your business.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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