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August 16, 2024
XX min read

How to Use Shortcut: A Comprehensive Guide


Shortcut unites planning and development in a single experience with tightly integrated Docs, Issue Tracking, Sprint Planning, Objectives, and Roadmap features. In today’s fast-paced business environment, streamlining workflows and enhancing team collaboration is pivotal. Shortcut accomplishes this by bringing various aspects of project management and software development under one roof, making it an indispensable tool for modern workplaces.

Who is Shortcut for

Shortcut is designed for teams and organizations that need a cohesive and comprehensive solution for managing their projects from inception to completion. This includes:

  • Software development teams
  • Project managers
  • Product teams
  • Technical leads
  • Agile teams

With Shortcut, these users can seamlessly integrate their planning, development, and tracking processes, resulting in improved efficiency and productivity.

Key features

Shortcut's vast array of features is designed to cater to the multifaceted needs of its users. Here’s a detailed look at its main functionalities:


A native documentation tool that allows teams to create, collaborate, and share documents effortlessly. Docs help ensure all team members are on the same page and uphold consistency across projects.

Issue Tracking

A robust issue tracking system that helps teams identify, document, and resolve bugs and other impediments swiftly. This feature is critical for maintaining code quality and ensuring smooth releases.

Sprint Planning

Sprint planning in Shortcut enables teams to organize their work into manageable intervals. This feature supports Agile methodologies, helping teams plan, execute, and review their work in iterative cycles.


The Objectives feature allows teams to set, track, and achieve their project goals. This fosters alignment and transparency, ensuring everyone is working towards common objectives.


Roadmaps provide a high-level view of a project’s milestones and deliverables. This feature aids in strategic planning, helping stakeholders understand the project’s trajectory and make informed decisions.

Best use cases

Shortcut excels in various scenarios, enhancing the efficiency and productivity of different teams and industries.

Software Development Teams

Shortcut serves as an all-in-one tool for software development, offering everything from sprint planning to issue tracking. Development teams can use Shortcut to stay organized, track their progress, and ensure timely delivery of high-quality software.

Agile Teams

Agile teams benefit immensely from Shortcut's sprint planning features. By organizing tasks into sprints, teams can manage their work more effectively, prioritize tasks, and adapt quickly to changes.

Product Management Teams

Product managers can leverage Shortcut's Roadmaps and Objectives to align their team’s efforts with strategic goals. This ensures that product development is on track and meets the stakeholders' expectations.

Cross-functional Teams

Cross-functional teams, comprising members from various departments, can use Shortcut’s Docs and Issue Tracking features to collaborate efficiently. This centralization of information and tasks boosts teamwork and reduces silos.

Getting started

  1. Sign Up: Visit the Shortcut website and sign up for an account. You can create a free account or choose a subscription plan that suits your needs.
  2. Set Up Your Workspace: After signing up, you will be guided through setting up your workspace. This includes creating projects, inviting team members, and configuring initial settings.
  3. Create Docs: Begin by creating documents that outline your project’s requirements, guidelines, or any other necessary information. Use the Docs feature for collaborative editing and sharing.
  4. Track Issues: Document any bugs or issues that arise using the Issue Tracking feature. Assign issues to team members and set priorities to ensure they are resolved promptly.
  5. Plan Sprints: Organize your work into sprints. Use the Sprint Planning feature to define sprint goals, allocate tasks, and monitor progress.
  6. Set Objectives: Define your project’s objectives. Use the Objectives feature to track your progress towards achieving these goals.
  7. Create Roadmaps: Develop a roadmap to visualize your project's milestones and key deliverables. Share the roadmap with your team to keep everyone aligned and informed.

Tips and best practices

  • Regular Updates: Keep your Docs and Issue Tracking updated to reflect the latest developments. This ensures that everyone is working with the most current information.
  • Prioritize Tasks: Use the sprint planning feature to prioritize tasks effectively. Focus on high-impact tasks to maximize productivity.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Clearly define your objectives and ensure they are realistic and achievable. Regularly review and update them as needed.
  • Collaborate and Communicate: Leverage Shortcut’s collaborative features to facilitate communication and teamwork. Use Docs for collaborative editing and keep all stakeholders informed.
  • Monitor Progress: Regularly monitor progress using the Roadmaps and Sprint Planning features. This helps identify any potential bottlenecks and ensures the project stays on track.

Integration with Guru

Shortcut integrates seamlessly with Guru, bringing powerful AI search capabilities to the platform. This integration enhances Shortcut's functionalities by enabling users to:

  • Access distributed company information effortlessly.
  • Utilize natural language understanding and contextual search to find relevant information.
  • Preserve permission settings, ensuring that sensitive information remains secure.

By integrating Shortcut with Guru, users can further optimize their workflows. Guru’s AI search provides proactive, relevant answers, allowing employees to quickly find the information they need without disrupting their workflow. This boosts overall productivity and streamlines knowledge management.


Shortcut is a comprehensive tool that unites planning and development, offering features like Docs, Issue Tracking, Sprint Planning, Objectives, and Roadmaps. It is designed for teams looking to enhance their productivity by integrating various project management aspects into one platform. By following best practices and leveraging the integration with Guru, users can maximize the benefits of Shortcut, leading to efficient and streamlined workflows. Try Shortcut today and see how it can transform your team's productivity, especially when combined with the powerful AI search capabilities of Guru.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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