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June 6, 2024
XX min read

Nmbrs vs HR Cloud


When it comes to Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), two notable tools often rise to the forefront: Nmbrs and HR Cloud. Nmbrs BV specializes in online HR and payroll applications, utilizing the latest Microsoft technologies to deliver robust, scalable solutions. On the other hand, HR Cloud focuses on enhancing employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity through comprehensive HR software and Human Resource Management System (HRMS) solutions. Given the critical role HRIS tools play in managing employee life cycles, from onboarding to performance management, it’s essential to evaluate these platforms to determine which aligns best with organizational needs.

Nmbrs Overview

Nmbrs BV offers a suite of HR and payroll applications that are built around the latest Microsoft online technologies. It is known for its robust integration capabilities and user-centric features that streamline payroll processes and HR management tasks.

Key Features

  • Payroll Automation: Simplifies payroll execution with automated calculations, reducing the possibility of errors and ensuring compliance with regional laws.
  • Employee Self-Service: Empowers employees to manage their own HR tasks such as updating personal information, requesting leave, and accessing payslips.
  • Role-Based Access: Provides customized access levels based on roles, ensuring data security and appropriate user access.
  • API Integration: Offers seamless integration with other business systems such as accounting and ERP software, creating a unified workflow.
  • Advanced Reporting: Delivers comprehensive, customizable reports that provide insights into payroll, attendance, and overall HR metrics.

HR Cloud Overview

HR Cloud provides a holistic HRMS solution designed to cover every aspect of the employee lifecycle, from recruitment to offboarding. Its focus is on improving employee engagement and productivity through a wide array of tools and functionalities.

Key Features

  • Onboarding: Streamlines the onboarding process with pre-built templates, document management, and task tracking, ensuring new hires are productive from day one.
  • Performance Management: Helps manage employee performance through goal setting, feedback collection, and performance reviews.
  • Time and Attendance: Monitors employee attendance, tracks time-off requests, and supports scheduling, ensuring accurate timekeeping and compliance.
  • Employee Engagement: Enhances employee satisfaction through surveys, rewards, and recognition programs.
  • Mobile App: Offers a mobile app for employees to access HR services on the go, enhancing convenience and efficiency.


Both Nmbrs and HR Cloud serve as invaluable HRIS tools, aiming to streamline various HR processes and improve overall employee management. Here are some key similarities between the two:

  • Employee Self-Service: Both platforms offer self-service portals where employees can manage their information, view pay stubs, and request time off.
  • Integration Capabilities: Nmbrs and HR Cloud provide robust API integrations, allowing for seamless connectivity with other essential business systems.
  • Automation: Each tool incorporates automation features to minimize manual tasks, thereby reducing human error and increasing efficiency.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Both offer advanced reporting capabilities that provide critical insights into HR metrics, helping organizations make data-driven decisions.
  • Compliance Support: Ensure adherence to local labor laws and regulations through built-in compliance features.


While Nmbrs and HR Cloud share several commonalities, they also exhibit key differences that may influence your decision:

  • Focus Areas: Nmbrs has a strong focus on payroll management and automation, whereas HR Cloud emphasizes end-to-end HR management, encompassing performance management, employee engagement, and more.
  • User Interface: Nmbrs leverages the latest Microsoft online technologies, which may be more familiar to users who are accustomed to Microsoft products. HR Cloud, on the other hand, offers an intuitive and modern interface designed to boost employee engagement.
  • Mobile Accessibility: HR Cloud extends its functionalities to a mobile application, allowing employees to access HR services on the go, which is less prominent in Nmbrs’ offerings.
  • Customization and Templates: HR Cloud excels in providing customizable templates for onboarding, performance reviews, and more, allowing organizations to tailor the platform to their specific needs. Nmbrs provides advanced reporting capabilities but offers less customization in terms of pre-built templates.

Pros and Cons



  • Payroll Focus: Excels in payroll management and automation, reducing errors and ensuring compliance.
  • Microsoft Technology Integration: Seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products, making it ideal for organizations already using Microsoft software.
  • User Access Controls: Role-based access ensures data security and appropriate user permissions.


  • Limited Mobile Access: Lacks a dedicated mobile app, which may be a drawback for on-the-go access.
  • Customization: Fewer customization options for HR templates compared to HR Cloud.

HR Cloud


  • Comprehensive HR Management: Covers all aspects of HR management from onboarding to performance management and employee engagement.
  • Mobile App: Offers a mobile application that enhances accessibility and convenience for employees.
  • Customization: Provides highly customizable templates and features, allowing organizations to tailor the platform according to their needs.


  • Learning Curve: The extensive range of features might require a steeper learning curve for users unfamiliar with comprehensive HR solutions.
  • Less Focus on Payroll: While it does offer payroll functionalities, its primary focus is not on payroll management, which could be a limitation for some organizations.

Use Cases


Ideal scenarios for using Nmbrs include:

  • Organizations Heavily Focused on Payroll: Companies that require robust payroll management and automation.
  • Microsoft-Centric Businesses: Firms already utilizing Microsoft technologies will benefit from seamless integration.
  • Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises: Suitable for businesses looking for specialized payroll solutions without the need for extensive HR functionalities.

HR Cloud

Ideal scenarios for using HR Cloud include:

  • Comprehensive HR Management: Organizations seeking an all-in-one HR management solution covering the entire employee lifecycle.
  • Employee Engagement Focused: Companies looking to boost employee engagement and satisfaction through surveys, rewards, and performance feedback.
  • Mid to Large-Sized Enterprises: Firms that require scalable HR solutions with high customization capabilities and mobile accessibility.


In comparing Nmbrs and HR Cloud, both serve as valuable HRIS tools, each with its unique strengths. Nmbrs excels in payroll management and seamless integration with Microsoft technologies, making it ideal for organizations with a strong focus on payroll and existing Microsoft users. On the other hand, HR Cloud offers a more comprehensive HR management solution, covering all aspects of the employee lifecycle with a strong emphasis on employee engagement and customization.

For businesses focused primarily on payroll efficiencies and integration with Microsoft software, Nmbrs is the standout choice. Conversely, organizations seeking an all-encompassing HR management system with extensive features to boost employee engagement will find HR Cloud to be the better fit. Ultimately, the decision should be guided by the specific needs and priorities of your organization.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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