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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Kustomer vs Github Issues


When it comes to managing work and customer service requests, businesses and teams often rely on robust ticketing tools to keep everything organized and ensure timely responses. Two popular tools in this space are Kustomer and GitHub Issues.

Kustomer is the first-of-its-kind customer service CRM platform built for managing high support volume by optimizing experiences throughout the customer service journey. This platform is tailor-made for customer service teams looking to enhance their workflows and elevate the customer support experience.

GitHub Issues, on the other hand, are items you can create in a repository to plan, discuss, and track work. Issues are simple to create and flexible to suit a variety of scenarios. They help teams track work, give or receive feedback, collaborate on ideas or tasks, and efficiently communicate with others.

Finding the right ticketing tool is essential because it can significantly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of your workflows. Let's delve into a detailed comparison of Kustomer and GitHub Issues to help you find the best fit for your needs.

Kustomer Overview

Key Features

  • Unified Customer View: Kustomer provides a comprehensive view of customer interactions, combining data from various sources into a single timeline. This enables support agents to have all the context they need when addressing customer issues.
  • Automation: The platform supports automation through workflows that can handle repetitive tasks, route conversations, and provide timely follow-ups without human intervention.
  • Integrations: Kustomer integrates with a wide range of third-party applications, such as CRM systems, e-commerce platforms, and communication tools, allowing for a seamless support experience.
  • Omni-Channel Support: Kustomer offers omni-channel capabilities, enabling support teams to manage customer interactions across various channels like email, chat, social media, and more from a single interface.
  • Customizable Reporting: Users can create detailed reports and dashboards to track key metrics and gain insights into their support operations' performance.

GitHub Issues Overview

Key Features

  • Easy-to-Create Issues: GitHub Issues allow users to quickly and easily create issues to track tasks, bugs, and enhancements.
  • Labeling and Milestones: Users can organize issues with labels, milestones, and projects, making it easier to categorize and prioritize tasks.
  • Assignees and Mentions: Issues can be assigned to team members, and mentions can be used to bring specific users into a discussion, enhancing collaboration.
  • Integration with GitHub Actions: GitHub Issues can trigger workflows through GitHub Actions, facilitating automated processes like CI/CD pipelines or routine maintenance tasks.
  • Cross-Repository Projects: Users can create projects that span multiple repositories, allowing for better coordination of tasks across different teams or components of a larger project.


  • Collaboration: Both Kustomer and GitHub Issues facilitate collaboration among team members. Kustomer achieves this through its unified customer view and omni-channel support, while GitHub Issues leverages features like assignees, mentions, and cross-repository projects.
  • Organization: Both tools offer ways to organize and prioritize tasks. Kustomer uses customizable reporting and automation, while GitHub Issues employs labels, milestones, and projects.
  • Integration Capabilities: Both platforms support integrations with other software. Kustomer connects with various CRM, e-commerce, and communication tools, whereas GitHub Issues is deeply integrated with the broader GitHub ecosystem, including GitHub Actions.
  • Automation: Automation is a key feature in both tools. Kustomer uses workflow automations to streamline support processes, while GitHub Issues can trigger workflows using GitHub Actions.


  • Primary Use Case: Kustomer is specifically designed for customer service and support teams, providing a comprehensive view of customer interactions and support automation tools. GitHub Issues, however, is geared toward development teams and project management, focusing on tracking bugs, tasks, and enhancements within code repositories.
  • Omni-Channel Support: Kustomer excels in managing customer interactions across various channels like email, chat, and social media. GitHub Issues does not offer built-in omni-channel support but focuses instead on project tracking and collaboration within the GitHub ecosystem.
  • Customer Data Management: Kustomer provides a unified view of customer data, allowing support agents to offer personalized service. GitHub Issues is more focused on task tracking and does not provide customer data management capabilities.
  • Customization and Reporting: Kustomer offers extensive customizable reporting and dashboard features to help track performance metrics. GitHub Issues provides basic reporting and relies on integrations or external tools for more advanced analytics.
  • User Experience Focus: Kustomer emphasizes customer experience by integrating multiple data sources into a single view for support agents. GitHub Issues emphasizes developer experience, allowing efficient issue tracking and code-related discussions.

Pros and Cons



  • Comprehensive customer view combining various data sources
  • Robust automation for handling repetitive tasks
  • Strong integration capabilities with various third-party apps
  • Omni-channel support for managing customer interactions across multiple platforms
  • Customizable reporting and dashboards


  • May require significant setup and integration work to fully leverage all features
  • Primarily focused on customer support, which may not be suitable for all team types
  • Higher learning curve for non-technical users

GitHub Issues


  • Easy to create and manage issues
  • Supports comprehensive labeling, milestones, and project planning
  • Deep integration with GitHub Actions and the broader GitHub ecosystem
  • Flexible for various use cases beyond just code-related tasks
  • Cross-repository projects for coordinating large, complex tasks


  • Lacks built-in omni-channel communication support
  • Does not provide customer data management or unified customer views
  • Customizable reporting is limited and may require additional tools for advanced analytics
  • Focused more on developers, which may not align with other team types’ needs

Use Cases


  • High-Volume Customer Support: Ideal for customer service teams that handle large volumes of support requests and need to provide efficient, personalized service.
  • Omni-Channel Management: Suitable for businesses that engage with customers across multiple channels and require a unified system to manage these interactions.
  • Automation of Routine Tasks: Excellent for teams looking to automate repetitive support tasks and streamline workflows.
  • Comprehensive Customer Insights: Perfect for organizations seeking to provide support agents with a complete view of customer interactions and history for better service delivery.

GitHub Issues

  • Software Development Teams: Designed for development teams that need to track bugs, plan enhancements, and manage projects within their code repositories.
  • Collaborative Workflows: Useful for teams that need to discuss and iterate on tasks, with features like mentions, assignees, and comments enhancing collaboration.
  • Cross-Repository Project Management: Suitable for organizations working on large projects that span multiple repositories, requiring coordinated task tracking.
  • Feedback and Quality Assurance: Great for teams that need to collect and act on feedback from users or peers, ensuring high-quality project outcomes.


Kustomer and GitHub Issues are two powerful tools, each excelling in different areas of ticketing and workflow management.

Kustomer shines in the realm of customer service, providing strong support features, automation, and omni-channel management. It is ideal for businesses looking to enhance their customer support operations, streamline workflows, and provide comprehensive insights into customer interactions.

GitHub Issues, conversely, is a versatile tool for tracking work within the context of software development. Its simple issue creation, robust project management features, and deep integration with the GitHub ecosystem make it an excellent choice for development teams needing to manage tasks, bugs, and collaborative projects.

In choosing between Kustomer and GitHub Issues, consider the primary focus of your team. If your goal is to enhance customer support and leverage automation to handle high volumes of interactions, Kustomer is likely the best fit. If you are managing development tasks and need a streamlined way to track issues within a collaborative coding environment, GitHub Issues will serve your needs effectively.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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