The Problem
Microsoft Teams is an indispensable communications center in many workplaces, where employees exchange information and ideas. But workers can quickly get overloaded with too-busy channels and DMs asking repeat questions. Valuable information surfaced in conversations gets lost or doesn't reach the right people, subject matter experts are forced to answer the same questions again and again, and valuable time is wasted as employees switch context to search for what they need among all of their scattered tools and apps.
The Solution
Guru seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Teams to capture vital institutional knowledge right within your workflow. Without ever leaving a Teams chat, employees can reference relevant company documentation or add new knowledge straight from the conversation into Guru with just a few clicks. This tight integration empowers teams to benefit from their shared wisdom both immediately and down the road. Guru enables Microsoft Teams to serve as more than just a communication tool, but rather a launchpad for accelerating productivity through collective knowledge sharing.
Turn conversations into reusable company knowledge
When you start noticing repeat questions arising in one of your channels, or when a great idea has surfaced in a conversation, you’ll want to document this information. But don’t just add it to your to-do list and forget about it—it’s easy to turn it into reusable content in Guru directly from the conversation you’re having. Later, use Assist (Guru’s AI writing assistant) to summarize, expand on, improve, or translate what you captured.

Stay in the know with notifications
With Guru’s notifications in Teams, you can keep the conversation going and still stay in the loop. Get alerts for important company-wide announcements, new verification requests and comments on content you’ve created, and even get a digest of your verification queue delivered on your schedule so it’s easy to maintain your content. (Much more efficient than trying to check your email every 15 minutes.)

Key Stats
It takes workers an average of 23 minutes, 15 seconds to refocus after an interruption
On average, knowledge workers are interrupted 15 times per hour
Interruptions cost companies over $65 billion globally per year