Guru Features
Suggested Answers in Slack

Proactively Deliver Trusted Answers into Slack Conversations with Suggested Answers

Guru chimes in automatically with trusted answers to questions asked in chat channels, saving time for both employees needing information and subject matter experts.
Plan availability
Coming soon
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Get answers instantly

Guru automatically suggests helpful, trusted information in response to questions asked where your teams collaborate.

Elevate employee productivity

Reduce the time spent switching contexts and digging for information by delivering answers directly in Slack conversations.

Configure with ease

Admins can select specific public Slack channels where they want Suggested Answers enabled.

What is Suggested Answers in Slack?

Suggested Answers in Slack allows admins to set up workflows where Guru will monitor selected public Slack channels and automatically suggest answers to questions using knowledge from Guru cards shared with all members. This saves employees time by giving them quick access to trusted information without needing to leave their conversations.

How does Suggested Answers in Slack work?

When admins enable Suggested Answers for a channel, Guru will scan messages in that channel for questions denoted by a "?" at the end. If Guru finds a relevant answer in cards available to all members, it will suggest that knowledge in a threaded reply under the original question. Users don't need to remember any Slack commands or workflows to benefit from this automatic surfacing of answers.

Why do I need Suggested Answers in Slack?

Having quick access to trusted information is critical, but employees often lose productivity switching tools and searching for knowledge. Suggested Answers reduces friction by proactively bringing answers directly into Slack conversations, saving time for the asker and the subject matter expert. It makes Guru a helpful, automatic co-pilot for company knowledge.

How can I get Suggested Answers in Slack?

Suggested Answers will be available for all Guru customers using Slack with no added cost. Admins can enable it in supported channels through the Guru Slack app.

Disclaimer: Due to the nature of machine learning and the technology powering our AI tools, outputs may occasionally be inaccurate.
"Easy to search, AI-driven recommendations, easily integrated into all the systems I already use."


Does Suggested Answers use my private data?

No, Suggested Answers only utilizes cards in Guru shared with all members to generate answers. No external sources are used at this time. Please visit our security page for more details.

Which channels can I connect to Guru for Suggested Answers?

Suggested Answers in Slack can be enabled for both public and private channels where the Guru app is installed.

Will this work in Teams or other apps?

This feature is only available in public Slack channels currently. Expanding to additional apps is on our roadmap.