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June 6, 2024
XX min read

Shortcut vs Height


Choosing the right project management tool can make all the difference in successful project execution. Shortcut and Height are two prominent players in this realm, each offering unique advantages to streamline workflows and enhance productivity.

Shortcut unites planning and development in a single experience with tightly integrated Docs, Issue Tracking, Sprint Planning, Objectives, and Roadmap features. 

Height, on the other hand, is the autonomous project collaboration tool. With an embedded AI engine, Height handles the legwork of building products on autopilot. Offload soul-sucking chores like bug triage, backlog refining, and documentation updates for good.

Understanding the nuances of these platforms can help teams make an informed decision on the best fit for their needs.

Shortcut Overview

Key Features

  • Integrated Docs: Docs in Shortcut allow for seamless documentation alongside project planning, eliminating the need for external documentation tools.
  • Issue Tracking: Robust issue tracking capabilities make it easy to log, organize, and address bugs and tasks.
  • Sprint Planning: Shortcut simplifies sprint planning with easy-to-use tools to manage and monitor team velocity.
  • Objectives & Roadmap: Long-term planning is facilitated through clear objectives and a visual roadmap, helping teams stay aligned on goals.

Height Overview 

Key Features

  • AI Engine: Height’s embedded AI engine automates routine tasks such as bug triage, backlog refinement, and documentation updates, saving significant time and effort.
  • Project Collaboration: Facilitates cooperative work through intuitive project views, enhancing team interaction and coordination.
  • Autonomous Handling of Chores: Background automation takes care of repetitive tasks, freeing up team members to focus on more critical activities.
  • Cohesive Communication: Streamlines team communication with integrated tools, helping to keep everyone on the same page.


Both Shortcut and Height serve as powerful project management tools designed to streamline workflows and foster team collaboration. Key similarities include:

  • Project Planning Tools: Both platforms offer comprehensive tools for planning and managing projects.
  • Issue Tracking: Capable of tracking issues and tasks, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.
  • Collaboration Features: Emphasize team collaboration with integrated communication and documentation.
  • Long-term Vision: Both tools support long-term planning with features like roadmaps and objectives.


While similar in many respects, Shortcut and Height also have notable differences:

  • Automation: Height stands out with its embedded AI engine that automates mundane tasks like bug triage and backlog refinement, an area where Shortcut doesn’t specifically focus.
  • Documentation: Shortcut integrates tightly with Docs directly within the platform, whereas Height’s documentation updates are part of its AI's automation capabilities.
  • Sprint & Roadmap Features: Shortcut provides specific tools for sprint planning and roadmap creation, which may be more manual in Height despite the benefits of other AI-driven automations.

Pros and Cons



  • Comprehensive project management suite with integrated Docs, Issue Tracking, and Sprint Planning.
  • Clear objectives and visual roadmap features.
  • Well-suited for development teams needing tight integration of planning and coding tasks.


  • May require more manual effort for tasks that Height automates.
  • Could be overwhelming for simple projects due to its broad feature set.



  • AI-driven automation significantly reduces manual task load.
  • Strong project collaboration features that enhance team communication.
  • Ideal for teams looking for tools that require less hands-on management.


  • May not have as comprehensive sprint planning tools as Shortcut.
  • Dependence on AI might not suit all team preferences or workflows.


Use Cases


Ideal for development teams that benefit from an all-in-one solution encompassing planning, issue tracking, and documentation. Particularly useful for organizations prioritizing detailed sprint planning and clear objective tracking.


Best suited for teams that appreciate automation and desire to reduce time spent on repetitive tasks. Height’s AI capabilities make it ideal for projects that demand high collaboration while minimizing the overhead of manual tracking and updates.


In comparing Shortcut and Height, it is clear that both serve vital roles as project management tools but cater to different user needs and preferences.

Shortcut excels in environments where integrated planning and detailed sprint management are critical, providing a well-rounded toolkit for development teams.

Height shines in scenarios demanding high efficiency through automation, offering robust project collaboration with an AI-driven approach that minimizes manual chores.

Choosing between Shortcut and Height ultimately depends on your team's specific needs:

  • Choose Shortcut if you need detailed sprint planning and integrated documentation within your project management tool.
  • Opt for Height if you're seeking a solution that leverages AI to automate repetitive tasks and enhance team collaboration with minimal manual intervention.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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