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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Linear vs Height


In the realm of project management tools, finding the right fit for your team can significantly impact your productivity and workflow. Today, we will compare two popular tools: Linear and Height.

Linear is celebrated for being the project and issue tracking system that teams actually love to use. It helps thousands of high-impact product teams streamline issues, sprints, and product roadmaps. On the other hand, Height positions itself as the autonomous project collaboration tool with an embedded AI engine that handles the legwork of building products on autopilot. This includes automating tasks such as bug triage, backlog refining, and documentation updates.

The importance of comparing these tools lies in uncovering which one aligns better with your team’s needs and ensures seamless project management.

Linear Overview

Linear offers a sleek and efficient platform designed to ease project tracking and issue management for product teams.

Key Features

  • Issue Tracking: Provides comprehensive issue tracking with the ability to manage bugs, tasks, and feature requests seamlessly.
  • Sprint Planning: Facilitates effective sprint planning to ensure projects stay on track.
  • Product Roadmaps: Offers tools to create and maintain product roadmaps, giving teams clear visibility into future plans.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Ensures team members can collaborate in real time, with updates reflected instantaneously.
  • Integration: Integrates well with other popular tools such as GitHub, Slack, and Figma.
  • User-friendly Interface: Known for its intuitive and clean user interface that encourages regular use.
  • Workflow Automation: Allows automation of repetitive tasks to save time.

Height Overview

Height brings an innovative edge to project management with its AI-embedded tools focused on automating routine tasks.

Key Features

  • AI Engine: The standout feature is its embedded AI engine which automates tedious tasks like bug triage, backlog refining, and documentation updates.
  • Project Collaboration: Enhances team collaboration through autonomous project handling capabilities.
  • Task Management: Offers comprehensive task management systems, aiding in effortless task assignment and tracking.
  • Real-time Updates: Keeps the team updated with real-time notifications and changes.
  • Customization: Highly customizable to fit the unique workflow of different teams and projects.
  • Integrations: Supports integrations with various tools for a seamless workflow.
  • User Experience: Focuses on simplifying user experience through autonomous and intelligent project handling.


Both Linear and Height offer several similar features that make them robust project management tools:

  • Real-time Collaboration: Both tools support real-time updates and collaborations, ensuring teams remain synchronized.
  • Integration Capabilities: Each tool integrates with popular software and tools that teams often use, promoting a unified workflow.
  • User-friendly Interface: Both Linear and Height are known for their intuitive user interfaces that encourage ease of use.
  • Automation: While focusing on different aspects, both tools provide automation to reduce manual efforts in project management.
  • Customization and Flexibility: They offer customizable options to tailor the project management experience to fit individual team needs.
  • Task Management: Each platform supports comprehensive task management tools to help teams stay organized and efficient.


Despite their similarities, Linear and Height have distinct differences that cater to varied user needs:

  • AI and Automation: Height takes automation to the next level with its embedded AI engine which autonomously handles repetitive tasks like bug triage and backlog management. Linear, while offering workflow automation, does not have the same level of AI-driven task handling.
  • Focus Areas: Linear emphasizes streamlined issue tracking, sprints, and product roadmaps, making it an ideal choice for product teams focusing on long-term project planning. Height, however, leans more towards real-time, autonomous project collaboration, suited for dynamic, fast-paced project environments.
  • User Interface Style: Linear has a minimalistic and sleek interface that encourages frequent use. Height focuses on user experience through its AI capabilities, thereby offering a more hands-off user interaction style.
  • Documentation Management: Height offers more sophisticated documentation automation compared to Linear, which requires more manual input.
  • Customization: Height provides deeper customization options to fit varying workflows more precisely than Linear.

Pros and Cons



  • Excellent for issue tracking and sprint planning.
  • Provides a clean and intuitive interface.
  • Facilitates real-time collaboration.
  • Strong integrations with popular tools.
  • Helps create clear product roadmaps.


  • Lacks advanced AI-driven automation.
  • Documentation management requires more manual effort.
  • May be less flexible for rapidly changing project environments.



  • AI engine automates routine tasks efficiently.
  • Great for real-time project collaboration.
  • Highly customizable workflow.
  • Real-time updates keep the team in sync effortlessly.
  • Effective documentation automation.


  • The AI-driven approach may require an adjustment period for users.
  • Can be perceived as more complex due to its advanced features.
  • May not have the same robust long-term planning capabilities as Linear.

Use Cases


Ideal Use Cases:

  • Product Development Teams: Beneficial for teams that need robust issue tracking, sprint planning, and clear product roadmaps.
  • Mid-sized Enterprises: Companies with structured processes needing stability and predictability in their project management.
  • Tech Startups: Startups needing streamlined issue tracking and integrations with development tools like GitHub.


Ideal Use Cases:

  • Fast-paced Environments: Ideal for teams that operate in high-pressure, rapidly changing environments requiring quick adjustments and updates.
  • Automation-focused Teams: Teams looking to reduce manual work and rely heavily on AI to handle routine tasks.
  • Custom Workflow Requirements: Organizations needing highly customized project management solutions to fit unique workflows.


Both Linear and Height offer distinctive advantages for project management, catering to different types of teams and workflows.

Linear stands out with its streamlined issue tracking, sprint planning, and product roadmap capabilities, making it an excellent choice for product development teams and mid-sized enterprises looking for an intuitive and stable project management solution.

Height, on the other hand, excels with its AI-driven approach, automating routine tasks and promoting autonomous project collaboration. It is best suited for teams in fast-paced environments and those seeking a high level of customization and automation in their project management processes.

Ultimately, the choice between Linear and Height depends on your specific needs: whether you value streamlined, intuitive planning with Linear's minimalistic approach or prefer the cutting-edge, automation-enhanced capabilities of Height.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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