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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Humaans vs Justworks


When it comes to managing the various HR tasks in an organization, choosing the right Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is crucial. Two notable tools in this category are Humaans and Justworks. Humaans is an HRIS built from the ground up to be the foundation layer of an organization's HR tech stack, helping modern HR teams at fast-growing companies onboard, manage, and grow their employees through efficient workflows, automation, and quick access to data. Justworks, on the other hand, is a multi-product solution offering global payroll, benefits, compliance support, time tracking, HR tools, and more, with award-winning support by HR-certified experts.

This comparison will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each tool, helping readers determine which app might best meet their HR needs.

Humaans Overview

Humaans is designed to be the cornerstone of every organization's HR technology stack, providing modern HR teams with tools to manage every phase of the employee lifecycle.

Key Features

  • Employee Onboarding: Simplifies the onboarding process with automated workflows, ensuring that new hires are ready to start from day one.
  • Employee Management: Centralized employee records, including personal information, job history, and important documents, are easily accessible.
  • HR Automation: Reduces manual HR tasks through automation of routine processes such as approval workflows, notifications, and custom reminders.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitors employee performance with built-in tools for setting goals, conducting reviews, and gathering feedback.
  • Compliance Management: Helps in adhering to compliance requirements by keeping track of necessary documentation and changes in laws.

Justworks Overview

Justworks combines a variety of HR tools into a single platform, emphasizing comprehensive support and ease of use for both employers and employees.

Key Features

  • Global Payroll: Manages payroll processing across different countries, offering flexibility for globally distributed teams.
  • Benefits Administration: Facilitates the management of employee benefits, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks.
  • Compliance Support: Keeps businesses compliant with local, state, and federal laws, offering guidance and expert support.
  • Time Tracking: Tracks employee work hours, overtime, and leave, integrating seamlessly with payroll.
  • HR Tools: Provides a suite of HR tools for performance management, recruiting, and employee engagement.
  • Award-Winning Support: Offers access to HR-certified experts to help resolve any issues or answer questions about HR practices.


Humaans and Justworks both excel as HRIS tools, offering a range of features that cater to the diverse needs of modern HR teams.

  • Employee Management: Both platforms provide centralized records and easy access to employee information.
  • Automation: They offer automation capabilities to streamline HR processes and reduce manual work.
  • Compliance: Each tool assists in maintaining compliance through tracking and documentation.
  • Performance Management: Both Humaans and Justworks include tools to manage employee performance, goal setting, and reviews.
  • User-Friendly Interfaces: They prioritize ease of use, with intuitive designs making it simple for HR teams to navigate and manage tasks.


While Humaans and Justworks share several key functionalities, they also have distinct features that set them apart.

  • Scope of Services: Justworks offers a broader scope of services, including global payroll and comprehensive benefits administration, while Humaans focuses more on the foundational HR tasks and automation.
  • Customer Support: Justworks provides award-winning support from HR-certified experts, whereas Humaans focuses more on providing efficient, self-service HR tools.
  • Target Audience: Humaans is tailored for fast-growing companies that need a robust HR foundation to scale, while Justworks caters to a wider range of businesses, including those with globally distributed teams.

Pros and Cons


  • Pros:
  • Specialized in efficient HR workflows and automation.
  • Excellent for fast-growing companies.
  • Simple and user-friendly interface.
  • Strong performance tracking tools.
  • Effective compliance management.

  • Cons:
  • Lacks extensive benefits administration capabilities.
  • Limited to foundational HR tasks, not as comprehensive as other platforms.


  • Pros:
  • Comprehensive HR solution with global payroll and benefits administration.
  • Award-winning customer support from HR-certified experts.
  • Excellent compliance support.
  • Robust time tracking and performance management tools.
  • Suitable for globally distributed teams.

  • Cons:
  • Potentially more complex due to the breadth of features.
  • Might be overwhelming for small businesses focused solely on foundational HR tasks.

Use Cases


  • Ideal For: Fast-growing companies needing to scale rapidly with efficient HR processes.
  • Scenarios:
  • A tech startup requiring streamlined onboarding and automated workflows to manage rapid hiring.
  • Companies needing to centralize employee records and reduce manual HR tasks.


  • Ideal For: Companies seeking a comprehensive HR solution, particularly those with global operations.
  • Scenarios:
  • An established business with global payroll needs and a diverse array of employee benefits.
  • Companies requiring strong compliance support and expert assistance.


Both Humaans and Justworks offer strong HRIS solutions, but their differences make them suitable for different types of organizations. Humaans excels at providing fast-growing companies with efficient, automated HR workflows and foundational tools needed to scale. Justworks, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive range of services, including global payroll, benefits administration, and robust compliance support, making it ideal for larger or more globally distributed teams.

When choosing between the two, consider your company's growth stage, the complexity of your HR needs, and whether you require extensive support services. For streamlined, foundational HR tasks with a focus on automation, Humaans is a great fit. If you need a wide-ranging HR solution with global capabilities and excellent support, Justworks would be the better choice.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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