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August 16, 2024
XX min read

Humaans vs Factorial


In the ever-evolving landscape of HR technology, choosing the right Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is crucial for effective employee management and organizational growth. This comparison focuses on two prominent HRIS tools: Humaans and Factorial. 

Humaans is an HRIS built ground up to be the foundation layer of the organization’s HR tech stack. It helps modern HR teams at fast-growing companies to onboard, manage, and grow their employees through fast workflows, automation, and quick access to data.

Factorial, on the other hand, is an all-in-one software that helps you manage time, talent, and documents in one centralized system. It serves SMBs by eliminating reliance on spreadsheets and optimizing manual processes through a simple and intuitive interface. By automating and streamlining administrative processes, Factorial provides valuable information and insights to improve management and reduce costs.

Understanding the intricacies of these tools will help businesses find the best fit for their specific needs, leading to informed decisions and improved HR operations.

Humaans Overview

Key Features

Humaans offers a suite of features designed to streamline HR processes and improve efficiency:

  • Employee Onboarding: Simplifies the onboarding process with automated workflows and real-time data access, ensuring new hires have a smooth transition.
  • Data Integration: Easily integrates with other tools in the HR tech stack, providing seamless data flow between systems.
  • Employee Management: Centralizes employee information, making it easily accessible for HR teams to manage and update.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Offers comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities, allowing HR teams to track key metrics and make data-driven decisions.
  • Customizable Workflows: Users can create and tailor workflows to fit their unique processes, enhancing flexibility and efficiency in HR operations.

Factorial Overview

Key Features

Factorial provides an all-in-one solution with robust functionalities to address the diverse needs of SMBs:

  • Time Management: Comprehensive tools for tracking employee attendance, managing leave requests, and maintaining timesheets.
  • Talent Management: Supports recruitment and performance management processes, helping HR teams hire and retain top talent.
  • Document Management: Centralized storage for all employee documents, ensuring easy access and organization.
  • Payroll Integration: Integrates with payroll systems to streamline salary processing and tax calculations.
  • Employee Self-service: Empowers employees to update their information, access documents, and manage their tasks, reducing administrative burden on HR teams.
  • HR Analytics: Provides insights through detailed reports and dashboards, enabling data-driven decision-making and strategic planning.


Both Humaans and Factorial offer comprehensive HRIS solutions aimed at optimizing HR processes and improving organizational efficiency. Key similarities include:

  • Centralized Employee Data: Both platforms centralize employee data, making it accessible and manageable from a single interface.
  • Automation: They leverage automation to reduce manual tasks and streamline processes, enhancing productivity.
  • Customizable Workflows: Both tools allow for the customization of workflows to match specific HR processes and needs.
  • Integration Capabilities: Humaans and Factorial integrate with other tools within the HR tech stack, ensuring seamless data flow and interoperability.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Each platform provides robust analytics and reporting capabilities, enabling HR teams to track performance metrics and make informed decisions.
  • Employee Self-service: Both solutions empower employees to manage their information and tasks, fostering greater autonomy and reducing administrative overhead.


Despite the similarities, Humaans and Factorial differ in several ways that may influence a company’s choice:

  • Target Audience: Humaans focuses on fast-growing companies looking for a scalable HRIS foundation, while Factorial specifically targets SMBs needing a comprehensive, all-in-one HR solution.
  • Time Management: Factorial offers extensive time management features, including attendance tracking and timesheets, which Humaans does not emphasize as strongly.
  • Document Management: Factorial provides a robust document management system, making it easy to store and organize employee documents. Humaans focuses more on overall data integration and access.
  • Payroll Integration: Factorial integrates more comprehensively with payroll systems, streamlining salary processing and tax calculations, whereas Humaans provides broader HR data integration capabilities.
  • Employee Onboarding: Humaans places a significant emphasis on employee onboarding with automated workflows to ensure a smooth transition for new hires. Factorial also offers onboarding features but does not highlight them to the same extent.
  • User Interface: The usability and design of the interfaces may differ, affecting user experience and adoption. Humaans emphasizes quick access to data and a streamlined user experience, while Factorial focuses on simplicity and intuitiveness to eliminate the need for spreadsheets.

Pros and Cons



  • Robust data integration capabilities
  • Customizable workflows for flexibility
  • Strong emphasis on employee onboarding
  • Comprehensive analytics and reporting features
  • Seamless integration with various HR tools


  • May lack specialized time management features
  • Could be more suitable for larger, fast-growing companies rather than SMBs
  • Not as focused on payroll integration compared to Factorial



  • Comprehensive all-in-one solution for SMBs
  • Extensive time management and attendance tracking features
  • Robust document management system
  • Integrated payroll processing capabilities
  • User-friendly, intuitive interface 


  • May not scale as effectively for very large organizations
  • Less emphasis on customizable workflows compared to Humaans
  • Onboarding features are less highlighted

Use Cases


  • Ideal for fast-growing companies needing a scalable HRIS foundation that integrates seamlessly with other tools in the HR tech stack.
  • Companies that require robust data integration and quick access to comprehensive analytics and reporting.
  • Businesses with a significant focus on streamlining and automating employee onboarding processes.


  • Perfect for SMBs seeking an all-in-one HR solution to manage time, talent, and documents centrally.
  • Organizations that need strong time management and payroll integration features.
  • HR teams looking to replace manual processes and spreadsheets with an intuitive, user-friendly system.


In comparing Humaans and Factorial as HRIS tools, it's evident that each platform has its strengths and is tailored to specific user needs. Humaans excels in providing a scalable HRIS foundation with robust data integration, customizable workflows, and a focus on employee onboarding. It's an excellent choice for fast-growing companies needing a flexible and comprehensive HR solution.

Factorial, on the other hand, is tailored for SMBs seeking an all-in-one system to manage time, talent, and documents. Its extensive time management and payroll integration features, coupled with an intuitive interface, make it a top choice for organizations looking to streamline HR processes and reduce reliance on spreadsheets.

Ultimately, the choice between Humaans and Factorial will depend on your company's size, growth trajectory, and specific HR needs. Fast-growing companies may find Humaans to be the perfect scalable solution, while SMBs looking for a comprehensive, user-friendly HRIS might prefer Factorial.

Key takeaways 🔑🥡🍕

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