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August 16, 2024
XX min read

How to Use PivotalTracker: A Comprehensive Guide


PivotalTracker is a powerful, cloud-based project management tool that caters to software teams aiming to build high-quality software through agile methodologies. By providing a comprehensive suite of features staged within an easy-to-navigate platform, it stands as a veritable hub for agile project management. Understanding the agile movement and PivotalTracker's role within it is crucial for modern workplaces that prioritize efficiency, collaboration, and transparency in their project workflows.

In the fast-paced landscape of software development, keeping projects on track while fostering open communication among team members is a critical challenge. PivotalTracker addresses this by offering an array of tools that streamline these processes, promoting better outcomes and happier teams.

Who is PivotalTracker for?

PivotalTracker is designed for software development teams of any size who follow or wish to adopt agile methodologies. It's especially beneficial for:

  • Software Developers: To ensure that coding tasks are well-organized and progress is easily tracked.
  • Product Managers: To monitor project status and ensure that development aligns with business goals.
  • Project Managers: To manage timelines, assign tasks effectively, and keep the team on track.
  • QA Engineers: To track bugs and integrate their work seamlessly with developers.
  • Startups to Enterprises: Any software team that values collaborative development, transparency, and efficiency.

Key features

1. Story and Task Management

PivotalTracker revolves around the concept of "stories" which represent individual features or user needs. These can be broken down into smaller tasks, prioritized, and assigned to team members. The visual representation through storyboards helps teams understand progress at a glance.

2. Backlog Prioritization

The Backlog allows project managers to prioritize tasks by dragging and dropping them into the right order. This fosters an agile approach by continually reassessing priorities based on the evolving needs of a project.

3. Iterative Planning

PivotalTracker enhances iterative planning, enabling teams to plan sprints effectively. The tool helps visualize current tasks, future work, and completed stories within distinct iterations, allowing for better tracking of progress and velocity.

4. Collaborative Workspaces

Real-time collaboration is a breeze with PivotalTracker, where multiple team members can view and edit information simultaneously. This ensures all team members are always on the same page.

5. Analytics and Reporting

Insightful analytics and reporting features allow teams to measure performance over time, predict project timelines, and make data-driven decisions. These features provide actionable insights into the team’s progress and task pacing.

6. Customizable Workflows

Different teams have differing needs, and PivotalTracker accommodates this by allowing workflow customization that matches specific project requirements. This flexibility is key for teams who need processes tailored to their unique operational strategies.

Best use cases

Software Development Firms

PivotalTracker excels within software development environments where agile methodologies are the norm. Teams can effectively manage their workload, track bugs, and prioritize new features, ensuring that the software evolves based on customer feedback and internal priorities.

Example: A startup launching a new mobile app might use PivotalTracker to prioritize feature development, coordinate sprints, manage bugs, and ensure the app is polished before launch.

Product Development Teams

Product teams within larger enterprises can leverage PivotalTracker for iterative release planning, ensuring new features and updates roll out smoothly while synchronizing with cross-functional teams like marketing and sales.

Example: A SaaS company introducing a new product module can use PivotalTracker to manage development timelines, track task completion, and maintain up-to-date communication with customer success teams.

Quality Assurance Groups

QA teams benefit from the seamless integration of testing, bug tracking, and reporting within the agile cycle, ensuring quality is built into every sprint.

Example: A QA team working alongside developers to test new features on an e-commerce platform can use PivotalTracker to identify, log, and resolve bugs before deployment.

Getting started

  1. Sign Up: Begin by creating an account on PivotalTracker’s website.
  2. Create Workspaces: Set up your first project workspace, defining the project name, description, and initial settings.
  3. Add Team Members: Invite team members to join your project by providing their email addresses.
  4. Define Stories and Tasks: Start creating user stories and break them down into manageable tasks. Assign these tasks to team members accordingly.
  5. Prioritize and Plan: Arrange stories in the order of priority and organize them into iterations based on your sprint planning.
  6. Track Progress: Use the storyboards and dashboards to monitor task progress, reallocate resources as needed, and communicate updates with the team.
  7. Use Analytics: Utilize the built-in analytics to review team performance, adjust timelines, and refine your processes.

Tips and best practices

  • Regularly Review Priorities: Weekly review meetings help keep the backlog relevant and precise, ensuring the team works on high-priority tasks.
  • Foster Collaboration: Make full use of real-time collaboration features and ensure open lines of communication among team members.
  • Integrate Tools: Leverage integrations with other software such as GitHub, Jenkins, or Slack for a seamless workflow.
  • Use Labels and Tags: Organize stories with labels and tags for easy retrieval and better project organization.
  • Automate Where Possible: Utilize automation rules for recurring tasks to save time and reduce errors.
  • Set Clear Goals: Establish clear milestones and goals for each iteration to maintain focus and drive team motivation.
  • Monitor Velocity: Keep an eye on team velocity to forecast project completion dates accurately. Adjust planning as necessary for consistent delivery.

Integration with Guru

PivotalTracker integrates smoothly with Guru, offering an enriched project management experience powered by AI search capabilities. Here’s how it works:

Easy Information Access

By integrating PivotalTracker with Guru, team members can leverage Guru’s advanced AI search to pull vital project information, requirements, and documentation directly within PivotalTracker. This removes the need to switch between multiple apps, thus saving time and reducing context-switching.

Personalized AI Assistance

Each team member essentially gets a personal assistant in Guru that understands context and retrieves relevant information based on natural language queries. This elevates personal productivity and enhances overall team efficiency.

Effortless Knowledge Management

Guru captures and retains essential project knowledge within PivotalTracker, creating a single source of truth that's easily accessible. Permissions and security settings are preserved, ensuring that sensitive data stays protected while still being readily available to those who need it.

Enhanced Collaboration

The integration promotes seamless communication flow and ensures that every team member has access to the latest project insights. This reduces the operational bottlenecks commonly caused by information silos and supports a more cohesive working environment.

Centralized Documentation

It allows teams to maintain all project-related knowledge, user stories, and documentation in PivotalTracker, which can be swiftly accessed using Guru. It's particularly beneficial for onboarding new team members who can quickly get up to speed with historical data and ongoing work.


PivotalTracker is an indispensable tool for modern software development teams aiming to deploy agile practices for better results. Its comprehensive feature set, combined with best practices in agile methodology, supports a structured yet flexible approach to project management.

By integrating with Guru, users can enhance PivotalTracker’s capabilities, ensuring that every piece of necessary information is at their fingertips. This integration helps in achieving higher productivity levels and more efficient workflows. 

We encourage you to try PivotalTracker and experience the benefits of a streamlined, collaborative project management process. Combine it with Guru to amplify your team’s potential and drive exceptional outcomes in your projects.

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