
The Problem

Many companies struggle when it comes to managing standard operating procedures: their SOPs are scattered across tangled wikis and fragmented drives, leaving vital information inconsistent, unreliable, and frustratingly difficult to find. Employees waste hours searching for what they need or end up working off of outdated guidance, dragging productivity down and increasing risk.

The Solution

By integrating siloed systems, structuring collaborative workflows, maintaining living documents, and tracking engagement, Guru provides the toolkit to transform scattered, inconsistent SOPs into centralized, trusted guidance employees actually use.

Connect all of your sources for one source of truth

Guru connects with all of the apps and tools you already use, creating a centralized, trusted repository for SOPs—even if everything isn’t stored within Guru. Secure AI enterprise search allows employees to effortlessly find the SOP documentation they need. They can even ask questions in natural language and let Guru’s AI find the answer for them—instantly. When you bring your scattered, siloed information together via Guru, you transform it into a single source of truth that makes it easy for employees to understand and follow procedures.

Surface relevant SOPs in your workflow, instantly

One of the best things about Guru? Even though it’s a single source of truth for your team, it’s not another destination. Employees stay in the flow and find SOPs right where they’re already working, thanks to Guru’s browser extension, Slack and Teams integrations, AI-powered relevant content suggestions, and more. Ops leaders can ensure employees have the right SOPs at their fingertips when performing specific tasks by setting up Knowledge Triggers, which surface specified content when an employee is viewing a particular web page. The information you hope they’ll read becomes unmissable.

Streamline SOP creation

Creating SOP documentation comes with its own challenges: inconsistent formatting that stokes confusion and distrust, chaotic cross-functional collaboration, and redundant manual work, to name just a few. Standardize SOPs for consistency by using one of Guru’s pre-built templates, or create your own. Let Guru’s AI Assist do the heavy lifting for you by creating, summarizing, improving, and translating your content, so you’ll never have to start from scratch again. Then use Guru’s collaborative editing functionality to work side by side with SMEs from other teams without friction. (Not sure who’s the right expert for the job? Guru’s AI identifies the correct SME for you and lets you tag them in without leaving Guru.)

Stay up to date on trusted information

What good are documented SOPs if your employees can’t trust them? Guru’s built-in verification ensures your content is always up to date and accurate, and even reminds your team’s experts when it’s time to update and verify. Employees can follow a Card to get real time notifications when their frequently-used content gets updated. And for new SOPs or critical changes to existing ones, leaders can send an announcement to employees and ensure they’ve read it.

Key Stats

Teams who use Assist create their knowledge base in 30% less time

Guru Executive Business Review Team

Customers report creating 27% more knowledge with Assist

Guru Executive Business Review Team

Customer Testimonials

"Guru Cards are especially helpful to organize and capture SOPs for our sales and customer success teams. They ensure a unified message is provided to all constituents, leading to less confusion and fewer mistakes."
Director of Sales, mid-market software company
“We have a lot of SOPs for our team, and Guru makes it easy to organize them and ensure they remain updated. Card Verification (and Card expiration) is critical for showing how trustworthy the information is on a particular Card."
Guru customer, mid-market company
“Updating our SOPs in Confluence was challenging because there was no set way to know when information expired. We were only a little better than using folders in Google Drive when using Confluence. When our team learned we could set verification intervals and expiration dates for Guru Cards, suddenly our SOPs went from over 80% stale to 95% current.”
Will G., Professional Services Delivery Manager, Mid-Market Marketing and Advertising company

Key Takeaways

Guru Capabilities Leveraged

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Published on 
September 12, 2024