Access and share company knowledge without leaving Slack

Reduce app switching
Search, share, and update your company's knowledge right from Slack—no context switching required.

Instant documentation
Guru’s integration makes it effortless to capture info shared in Slack. In just a few clicks, you’ll have everything you need.

Gain employee insight
Stop guessing what's important and see exactly what resonates with people the most with Trending Topics for Slack.
What is Guru’s integration for Slack?
The Guru app for Slack gives your employees a more efficient way to search, capture, and share company knowledge. You can also use Trending Topics for Slack to easily capture and categorize valuable information from conversations, transforming it into accessible content for your team.
Users can search, share, and update Guru content directly within Slack. The integration also enables you to send announcements to your team, verify who has read them, and maintain a single source of trusted information with Guru. When teams use Guru and Slack together, it’s easy to turn conversations into actionable content, save time for your experts, understand employee needs, and quickly build a comprehensive knowledge base.

How does the Guru integration for Slack work?
Think of the integration as an app-specific version of Guru: it’s designed to get you exactly the information you need in Slack so you don’t have to stop what you’re doing and switch contexts. All you need to do is download the integration, then we’ll do the rest.
Why do I need the Guru integration for Slack?
The American Physiological Association has shown that even brief mental blocks created by shifting between tasks can cost as much as 40% of someone's productive time. (Source)
Integrating Guru with your most important tools can help you gain back hours of productivity while also eliminating the costs that come with constant context switching.

Can I use Guru's AI features with Slack?
Assist is fully functional within Slack for both authors and Card readers and Trending Topics is only available in Slack.
How do I use Trending Topics for Slack?
Trending Topics for Slack uses the power of AI to help Authors and Admins fill knowledge gaps by surfacing trends and information in company Slack channels. Learn more about Trending Topics for Slack.

How can I get the Guru bot integration with Slack?
You can add Guru’s bot integration with Slack in the Manage->Apps and Integrations section of the webapp.