Guru on Guru: How We Leaned Into Knowledge Management to Drive a Better Interview Experience

Want to know the key to improving the interview experience for candidates and employees? Having the knowledge you need the moment you need it is a great start.

No company is immune to the competitive nature of hiring these days. Job candidates are juggling interviews with multiple companies, HR is on a never-ending hunt to find the perfect candidates, and hiring managers are trying to balance their daily tasks while conducting interview after interview. It’s a lot of information to track, to say the least.

At Guru, we’ve revisited a few components of our hiring process to ensure we’re creating a best-in-class hiring experience. We started by asking ourselves two important questions: how can we use our own product to help drive a better, differentiated candidate experience and how can Guru help Guru reduce overwhelm for our internal employees who are interviewing for their team.


We want to make the most out of the time our teams spend interviewing candidates. Similarly, we want our job candidates to feel like they’ve had a rewarding experience interviewing with us. Here’s how we’re leaning into knowledge management to provide everyone with the best interview process possible.

For job candidates

In the United States alone, there are more than 161 million people working and 15.7 million jobs open. While that may seem like a lot of open positions, there is even more competition to land the most coveted positions in every industry.

We’ve all felt the stress that comes with working through the entire interview process–it’s the first impression for everyone. Job candidates might already be feeling overwhelmed from prepping for the interview, and they still have to showcase their skills and make a good impression.

Keeping all this in mind, our task at Guru became how to make the interview process as seamless and relaxed as possible.


Working backward from some feedback we heard, we established a clear interview guide that helps each interviewee know what kinds of questions and core values to dig into. This serves the dual purpose of:

  1. Ensuring we cover all of our bases from a context perspective, so we have a clear sense if a candidate will be a good fit for Guru.
  2. Ensuring the candidate doesn’t receive several repeat questions, which is generally something we try to avoid here at Guru.  

We want job candidates to know we value their time and skills. Using Guru, we can easily reference notes from previous interviews, allowing us to avoid those dreaded repeat questions and keep the interview on track. We can also loop in Guru to help our interviewing team learn everything they need to have some background on the candidate before diving into the first interview.

By sharing knowledge across the entire interviewing team, we save everyone time and avoid asking our job candidates those dreaded repeat questions.

For Guru employees

There are two sides to every interview process and every hiring team knows the potential headaches of a bumpy interview process. Not only are interviewers trying to get to know multiple candidates, they’re also trying to balance their daily tasks with multiple interviews and interview prep.

For our hiring teams here at Guru, we created a template of the interview Guide.  Any hiring manager can quickly spin up a thoughtful and consistent guide as they kick off interviews for open roles.

The template itself helps ensure a better overall experience for the candidate and hiring team. We took our process revision a step further by working the interview guide template into our employee’s workflow to meet them when and where they need it. Here’s how:

  • We added the completed interview guide to our calendars
  • We began documenting all notes from interviews, so each interviewer has their colleague’s notes to base their questions
  • We incorporated Knowledge Triggers to give our team the important information right when they need it

How Knowledge Triggers support the interview process

Using Knowledge Triggers, which allows you to configure Guru to automatically suggest specific knowledge to your team based on specified content or fields on the webpage they are viewing, we were able to surface the interview guide for everyone on the hiring team as they went into their Google Calendar invite.

In short, our hiring teams could review all the interview information without ever leaving their calendar.


With this new process, our hope is that we can make the interview process a little simpler for our internal hiring teams, all while making the hiring experience itself more pleasant and productive for our candidates.

Interested in using Knowledge Triggers for your own team? Learn more here

No company is immune to the competitive nature of hiring these days. Job candidates are juggling interviews with multiple companies, HR is on a never-ending hunt to find the perfect candidates, and hiring managers are trying to balance their daily tasks while conducting interview after interview. It’s a lot of information to track, to say the least.

At Guru, we’ve revisited a few components of our hiring process to ensure we’re creating a best-in-class hiring experience. We started by asking ourselves two important questions: how can we use our own product to help drive a better, differentiated candidate experience and how can Guru help Guru reduce overwhelm for our internal employees who are interviewing for their team.


We want to make the most out of the time our teams spend interviewing candidates. Similarly, we want our job candidates to feel like they’ve had a rewarding experience interviewing with us. Here’s how we’re leaning into knowledge management to provide everyone with the best interview process possible.

For job candidates

In the United States alone, there are more than 161 million people working and 15.7 million jobs open. While that may seem like a lot of open positions, there is even more competition to land the most coveted positions in every industry.

We’ve all felt the stress that comes with working through the entire interview process–it’s the first impression for everyone. Job candidates might already be feeling overwhelmed from prepping for the interview, and they still have to showcase their skills and make a good impression.

Keeping all this in mind, our task at Guru became how to make the interview process as seamless and relaxed as possible.


Working backward from some feedback we heard, we established a clear interview guide that helps each interviewee know what kinds of questions and core values to dig into. This serves the dual purpose of:

  1. Ensuring we cover all of our bases from a context perspective, so we have a clear sense if a candidate will be a good fit for Guru.
  2. Ensuring the candidate doesn’t receive several repeat questions, which is generally something we try to avoid here at Guru.  

We want job candidates to know we value their time and skills. Using Guru, we can easily reference notes from previous interviews, allowing us to avoid those dreaded repeat questions and keep the interview on track. We can also loop in Guru to help our interviewing team learn everything they need to have some background on the candidate before diving into the first interview.

By sharing knowledge across the entire interviewing team, we save everyone time and avoid asking our job candidates those dreaded repeat questions.

For Guru employees

There are two sides to every interview process and every hiring team knows the potential headaches of a bumpy interview process. Not only are interviewers trying to get to know multiple candidates, they’re also trying to balance their daily tasks with multiple interviews and interview prep.

For our hiring teams here at Guru, we created a template of the interview Guide.  Any hiring manager can quickly spin up a thoughtful and consistent guide as they kick off interviews for open roles.

The template itself helps ensure a better overall experience for the candidate and hiring team. We took our process revision a step further by working the interview guide template into our employee’s workflow to meet them when and where they need it. Here’s how:

  • We added the completed interview guide to our calendars
  • We began documenting all notes from interviews, so each interviewer has their colleague’s notes to base their questions
  • We incorporated Knowledge Triggers to give our team the important information right when they need it

How Knowledge Triggers support the interview process

Using Knowledge Triggers, which allows you to configure Guru to automatically suggest specific knowledge to your team based on specified content or fields on the webpage they are viewing, we were able to surface the interview guide for everyone on the hiring team as they went into their Google Calendar invite.

In short, our hiring teams could review all the interview information without ever leaving their calendar.


With this new process, our hope is that we can make the interview process a little simpler for our internal hiring teams, all while making the hiring experience itself more pleasant and productive for our candidates.

Interested in using Knowledge Triggers for your own team? Learn more here

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