Guru Features

Send critical, timely updates that can’t be missed

Announcements push up-to-the-minute information from your intranet to teams, individuals, or even everyone at your company—while also making sure it’s both read and understood.
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Push needed info

Get everyone on the same page quickly, even when things are changing by the minute.

Track engagement

Immediately see who has (and hasn’t) read the latest info for easy compliance tracking.

Be seen every time

Announcements are highly visible inside and outside of Guru so they can’t get buried.

What are announcements?

Announcements offer a powerful alternative to sharing company information via email, Slack, or MS Teams. They let you keep crucial, real-time information in the same place that the rest of your company’s vital information is stored while also delivering it directly to an employee’s workflow so it can’t be missed. Once they’ve read an announcement, employees can confirm receipt, comment with questions, and react with emojis, promoting better communication, greater efficiency, and productivity within your organization.

Announcements also offer intuitive analytics that allow you to see at a glance who’s read what, and when.

How do announcements work?

Announcements are simple to use. Once the information you need to share has been documented (or just updated!) in Guru, you can send an announcement with just a few clicks: Choose the teams and/or individuals that need to know the information, and, if you want to, add a note with extra context to encourage action.

The recipients are then immediately notified in Guru, Slack and Teams, or email that timely knowledge needs to be seen. You’ll immediately be able to start tracking who’s opened the announcement, who’s confirmed they’ve read it, and what questions they might have. If someone doesn’t confirm they’ve read it, they’ll get automatic reminders to check it out (no manual follow-up required).

Dig deeper with a robust analytics dashboard that shows individual and group read rates, the number of announcements sent by each group, and the percent of announcements read by each group in a specified timeframe.

Why do I need announcements? 

Whether it’s an immediate change to your org structure, open enrollment, or the launch of a new product or feature, employees need to know and be able to take action at the right time. You’ll immediately be able to create a historical record of when something was documented, when it was shared, and when it was received, making confusion, lack of communication, and missed updates things of the past.

Who can send announcements?

Customize Guru to make it fit your company’s needs and make sure the right people can send announcements. Anyone with author-level access to a specific piece of content can send an announcement about it.

Disclaimer: Due to the nature of machine learning and the technology powering our AI tools, outputs may occasionally be inaccurate.
"Easy to search, AI-driven recommendations, easily integrated into all the systems I already use."
"I love these enhancements! They will give our managers and leadership team an even better understanding of how employees are engaging with updates [...] and which announcements are read and which are outstanding."