Guru Features
Chrome Extension

Instant access to company knowledge, no matter where employees work

Use Guru's Google Chrome browser extension to add a layer of trusted information (and your entire knowledge base) to the apps employees use every day.
Plan availability
Coming soon

AI Answers where you’re already working

Get expert-verified answers without interrupting employee workflows.

Capture from anywhere

Quickly edit or create knowledge from any website.

Find trusted info fast

Have recommended, just-in-time information at your fingertips.

What is Guru’s Chrome extension?

Guru's Google Chrome extension gives you the power to discover, create, and improve your company’s knowledge within the context of the work you’re already doing. Not only does it help increase productivity and decrease the headaches that come with constant app-switching, the browser extension works on top of any cloud-based tool or app, and can provide page-specific content recommendations.

With the extension, you can quickly access all of the information you already have stored in Guru, with one-click access to recently viewed, new, favorited, or followed content for maximum usefulness.

Why do I need the Chrome extension? 

Context-switching alone costs companies $450 billion per year globally in lost productivity, while knowledge workers have reported spending 20% of their week “tracking down colleagues who can help with specific tasks.” (Source)

By bringing Guru to the apps in which your team is already working, you’ll gain hours of productivity back and eliminate the costs that come with having to interrupt work to find answers. 

How does the Chrome extension work with my knowledge base?

The extension is your knowledge base—it’s just travel-sized. Consider it a portable version of the larger Guru experience that’s designed to get you exactly the information you need when you’re working outside of the Guru portal.

Does the extension work in any other web browsers?

Yes, the Chrome extension will work on any Chromium-based browser, including Edge and Opera.

Can I have specific information show up on specific pages?

Yes! Use Knowledge Triggers to seamlessly deliver relevant knowledge to the right employees within their workflows. Whether you have specific processes related to Salesforce account management, or want to surface PTO policy when team members are in your HRIS, you can ensure the right cards are surfaced to them—without the need for them to search for it themselves.

Can I use Guru’s Answers feature with the Chrome extension?


How can I get the Chrome extension?

Our Help Center can help you find out how to install Guru’s extension for Chrome, Edge, and Opera.

Disclaimer: Due to the nature of machine learning and the technology powering our AI tools, outputs may occasionally be inaccurate.
"Easy to search, AI-driven recommendations, easily integrated into all the systems I already use."
"Compared to the other knowledge base kind of documentation systems that I've used, it's blown them all out of the water, and the Chrome extension itself is the reason for admission."