Careers at Guru

In a world of information overload, we've made it our mission to cut through the noise and give every team the trusted information they need to do their best work. Care to join us?
A photo of some of the Guru team at the annual Company Kickoff event of 2022

Join our team

Perks and benefits

Healthcare, unlimited vacation time, free snacks—the only thing we're not generous with is room to list all of our perks right here.
View our benefits one-sheet
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Our flexible PTO policy and Work From Anywhere policy give you the ability to do your best work where you see fit. Employees can work from our hub office in Philadelphia, as often as they like, or can be 100% remote.

Remote or Hub Employee

No matter where you’re working, we’ll give you what you need to create the work-life harmony you deserve! Both remote and hub employees receive a one-time annual Employee Experience perk of $3,000 — employees are free to spend this perk on fitness classes, professional development, groceries, pet care, and more! Hub employees enjoy a dog-friendly office and curated snacks and beverages.


We offer healthcare benefits and insurance options to ensure your needs are met while minimizing the cost to you. Guru offers highly subsided healthcare plans that include medical, dental, and vision insurance. We offer tax-advantaged Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Spending Accounts.

Family First

We offer up to 16 weeks of Paid Parental Leave and 10 weeks of Paid Family Medical Leave so that you can focus on the needs of your family first. These policies are just one part of how we honor our commitment to foster an inclusive and supportive workplace where caregivers can thrive.

Emoji of a stack of books
Continuing Education

We empower you to make choices about your future and take steps to make that happen. We offer $5,000 – $10,000 in tuition reimbursement, based on your employment tenure.

Thrive After Five

We celebrate a team member’s 5-year Guru anniversary with a $12,000 personal travel reimbursement to rest and recharge.


Endless fun during our three-times annual in-person team building activities, held in Philadelphia.

Work from anywhere

Work from our hub office, the comfort of your own home, a combination of both, or choose your own adventure! You're the best person to decide where you do your best work.

Our company core values
Seek and share knowledge
Learn and grow together. Great minds think differently.
Create advocates
Every contribution is a customer experience. Empower customers.
Don't take yourself too seriously
Have a curious mind. Openness over ego.
Embrace the journey
Be intentional. Have a marathon mindset.
Give and receive graciously
Give to yourself, your colleagues, and your community.

Diversity at Guru

We know that diverse teams do better, so we created an intentional and deliberate strategy to ensure we're actively building one. We continuously refine our hiring practices, track metrics, educate our team, and partner with our community. As Guru grows, we're committed to creating a work experience where all employees feel a sense of inclusivity and belonging.

Seek and shared knowledge
Learn and grow together. Great minds think differently.

When we share what we know and lift others as we rise, we build a culture of knowledge that makes us all a little bit better. Be transparent: share the good and the bad, and offer insight into decision-making processes. Take risks and experiment; every setback is a learning experience. Seek diverse views for better outcomes—embrace diverse experiences, backgrounds, and skill sets to make us stronger and smarter. Nothing revolutionary was ever created in an echo chamber.

Create advocates
Every contribution is a customer experience. Empower customers.

Every person here has a hand in making Guru great: a place where people want to work and a best-in-class product that people love to use. Every interaction with our brand should create ambassadors. We spend our energy nurturing our users to turn them into customers and finally into our biggest advocates.

Don’t take yourself too seriously
Have a curious mind. Openness over ego.

Ask questions and seek to understand the world and the people around you. Lead with empathy and listen. Being open to new ideas that move us forward is more important than getting your way. Difficult things will happen. It’s how we respond to them—with openness, curiosity, and the desire to do better—that helps us grow.

Embrace the journey
Be intentional. Have a marathon mindset.

Building great things takes endurance— it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Act with urgency (a marathon is still a race, after all). Charting a course is key to solving problems thoughtfully, but stay flexible and ready to find a new route to the finish line. Be resilient, and rest when you need to. And remember: sometimes the best ideas happen when you’re having fun along the way. (Did we knock it out of the park with this sports metaphor?)

Give and receive graciously
Give to yourself, your colleagues, and your community.

A cycle of giving starts with one person. Care for yourself so you can show up for others. Build trust through giving thoughtful, candid, and kind feedback. Be an open and curious recipient of feedback and get comfortable with the learning process. Dedicate your time and energy to improving the world around you. Ask for help when you need it, give generously to your colleagues, and give first to your community.