Guru Features

Unlock instantaneous knowledge discovery with Answers

Dive into the heart of knowledge with Answers, an intuitive AI-powered engine that swiftly and securely navigates your company's information landscape and external connected sources, delivering trusted, precise information when you need it.
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Find trusted knowledge fast

No need to read through long documents or browse multiple articles. Answers scans through your existing knowledge to get you exactly what you need to know.

Elevate your search experience

Stop scrolling through results and scanning through docs, and get just the info you need, just when you need it.

Keep your knowledge secure

Your company’s knowledge is your property, not ours—so your data will only be used to train your model and no one else’s.

What is Answers? 

Answers is Guru's enterprise search product that makes it easy for users to search across their company’s apps and access information instantly. It provides results in a matter of seconds, in easy-to-understand language, alongside a list of sources whose permissions settings are mirrored in Guru. Instead of going through the traditional steps of searching for information with keywords and search terms (and then scanning through the docs they find) employees can simply ask direct questions to get specific answers.

How does Answers work?

Guru users will be able to ask a question with Answers and get a trusted result that’s sourced from a document, messaging tool, knowledge base, or any other app or program that has been connected to Guru. All users need to do to use Answers is push the "Ask a question" button, then ask their question. And Answers doesn’t just give information; it also shows where the information was pulled from for maximum transparency and trust.

Which apps can I connect to Guru for Answers?

Right now you can connect and source Answers from Google Drive, Salesforce Knowledge, Confluence, and Zendesk.

Dropbox, Box, Onedrive, Sharepoint, and more will be available in the very near future.

Why do I need Answers? 

Answers helps your employees save time, increase productivity, and gives your company a way to efficiently and safely use the power of generative AI. Answers elevates Guru’s already superb search experience by eliminating the traditional steps needed to simply get the correct answer to a question. In fact, every question answered by Guru saves you 8 minutes!

Employees can significantly decrease the time spent seeking out information in favor of quickly finding what they need to do their best work. By combining our powerful verification engine with the ability of Generative AI to write easy-to-understand content, Answers can provide trusted information, quickly, and cut down on time spent looking for company information.

Does the AI improve over time?

Yes! We know AI isn’t always right — which is why we built the AI Training Center. Effortlessly see what questions are being asked, which sources are being used most frequently, edit answers or add additional context, and proactively fill gaps in company knowledge. Learn more about the AI Trading Center.

How can I get Answers?

See our pricing page for details about plans.

Disclaimer: Due to the nature of machine learning and the technology powering our AI tools, outputs may occasionally be inaccurate.
"Easy to search, AI-driven recommendations, easily integrated into all the systems I already use."


Have questions about Answers? Learn more about how it works.

How is my data being used by Answers?

Answers is still under the umbrella of our existing data security and privacy agreements, and no customer data will be stored with any third-party partners or used to train any third-party models. The data submitted through Answers is automatically deleted by third parties after being processed and is not used for any other purposes by third parties, such as model training.

We do not share any PII out-of-the-box. The only way we would share that information is if a customer explicitly included it in the card content.

For more information on how we protect user data, visit our security page.